Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Resolutions!

So its 2007! I'm thrilled. Now I can make all those New Years Resolutions that I never keep so by March I can experince late-winter self doubt. Okay, so I'm not that manic, but I will say that this year I have resolved to make resolutions that I will enjoy keeping.

1) GAIN WEIGHT. In just the past month three people told me I look too thin. To those people THANK YOU- whether it was a complement or not. I digress as I reach for thr the Sun Chips.

2) WATCH MORE TV. I can not get enough of Ugly Betty and Office. Can Steve Carrel be any funnier? And of course Moonlighting season five on DVD has already been pre ordered.

3)PLAY MORE PRACTCAL JOKES ON MY HUSBAND A month ago I strolled into the house with a mangled back bumper and told him that I ran over the mailbox with his SUV that he had just driven home from the body shop and hour before. (Oh wait, that really happened AND it wasn't funny. Bad example.)

4) STOP BITING MY NAILS opps thats should be in the "2007 Pipe Dreams" Catagory. Sorry for the confusion.

5) LEARN TO DO THE LAUNDRY Did you know it was possible to shrink towels?

Thats all I've got. As you can see I don't expect much from myself. That way I am not dissapointed. Happy New Year All!


Kari Lee Townsend said...

I've finally stopped biting my nails, but I suck at laundry too. Even after all these years. And I'm the opposite, I want to lose weight and watch less TV. Love the practical joke thing. Can't imagine he was too happy about the bumper, though;)) Miss you cakes.

Barbie Jo Mahoney said...

OMG Cakes!! You're actually posting again!!! Now you've made me feel like a slacker!!

I love your posts. You're so damn funny!

And I totally relate to the bumper, although mine was backing over some sort of pipe-type object while trying to paralell park, breaking the pipe in 1/2 and then blowing a hole in the tire.

thank GOD for AAA.

okay, gotta go read more!!