Friday, August 10, 2007

LOVE GAME Book Signing Aug 18th

So that is a week from tomorrow and in that time I have a golf tournament, a week of synchro swim practice and I have to clean my house and do laundry becasue I haven't really all summer. Who am I kidding? I won't clean till labor day and as long as everyone has clean underwear, I'll let the laundry go.

SO anyway, my booksigning is Saturday Aug 18th at 2pm at the Borders book store in Victor. I'm excited. I hope people show up. So if anyone is out there who plans on coming, bring a friend.

One thing going for me, I'm friendly and i'm outgoing. Some authors are not so they have a hard time talking to the people who are showing up. I like to chat. My friend also suggested I wear something tight and short so the male population would be interested. I am wondering if food might work just as well. I will bring candy just in case.

I was also asked to do a question/answer thing, but I might feel weird. So far when I get emails from people who have read the book, the question get most is what is it like to write sex scenes. That might be bazarr to answer with my whole family in the room.

So anyway, I'm excited. It's cool. I just hope people show up!