Friday, February 23, 2007

Lost in Ski Paradise

So for the past week I have been with my family in Ellicottville, New York. We are skiers and we have been members at Holimont since the year it opened in the mid sixties (before I was born) when all there was there was a tow rope tied between trees and no grooming at all. Now its this huge place with over a hundred trails. The town itself too has grown (obnoxiously in my opinion) from a place where you had to call the town sheffif at his house directly to a place with its own fire department and five real estate agencies.

We had a ski chalet at the top of Holimont until a few years ago when my mom sold it with the intention of getting something bigger for our extended family and more easily accessable (you had to walk a quarter mile up hill to get to it after parking the car) . We all regret it now becasue we all miss the old place instead of staying in rented condos. They may be easier to get too but lack the charm of an old rotary phone and tin foil rabit ears on the TV.

This break though we managed to strike a deal with the new owners and actually stayed at the old place. Weird. They modernized it, added skylights and (gulp) a driveway and satalite TV.

Thank god the rotary phone was sill there to which my five year old son asked me. "Is this older than dinasaurs?"

Anyway, I hate change and the notion that time marches on. Thank God the skiing is still great as always. I think i'll go hit the slopes now for one last run before the light gets flat.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Kill Me, But I Liked Anna Nicole

So I know she was a little nutty, but I really liked Anna Nicole Smith. Not that she was a great actress or rocket scientist ( but perhaps just as oversexxed as some of the rocket scientists recently in the news) but beyond the fake boobs she was a real person. This woman may have had huges sucesses but incredible sadness. She came from nothing and made something of herself. Her poor dead son loved her and was always by her side. For a kid to love his mom that much she had to have done something right.

I admit, I watched the Anna Nicole Show and there were times when I thought it was pathetic, but man that woman bouced back. She was facing a million law suits, family members begging for money. She had a tough life, despite the Hollywood surroundings.

I feel so bad for Dannilyn. Its a wierd to think that Anna Nicole was the stability in her life and now she's gone. What a drama.

Just Like Anna Nicole

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Fifth Season Does NOT SUCK! (Minus Annie)

So, March 7 is the release date for the fifth season of Moonlighting and I personally can't wait. Word on the street is that Glenn is doing a commentary for Womb with a View (for anyone who doesn't know, this is the episode where David is dessed up in footie Pjs as the fetus "BABY HAYES" and Jerome the Guardian Angel introduces him to his parents, Maddie and David) I want to hear right from the horse's mouth that David is the father and not Sam Crawford!

There are poeple out there still unsure. You know who you are.

Okay, so I know fifth season has some low points. (Lunar?) But I think some of the downright funniest episodes are this season. NETHERWORLD is one of my all time faves where they have to run around with a corpse in the BMW's backseat and look for a lottery ticket. (You can't beat the shower scene in that one either.)

And of course the point of contention for every ML fan. ANNIE. I will probably be attacked for this but here is my opinion. I think the Annie arc would have worked if it made David and Maddie realize how awful life was without each other. I am not sure where the whole storyline went awry but I think its is somewhere where David calls her "desperate."

How out of charater is that?

If this post makes little sense to some people, sorry. But the Die Hard ML fan( cheap pun, sorry) will understand. I already ordered season five and will watch it faithfully. But for me the show ends at "Lips and Lies"
