Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm Sick

I have a cold. This makes me angry.

I am not a good sick person. I'm grumpy and once I get past the anger of actually being sick, I spend the rest of the time until I am well hunting down the person who made me that way. Was it the dumb woman sho sneezed on me in the Grocery store? Were the germs on the pen that stupid guy handed me to use at the bank? Damn public restrooms and door knobs! Damn you all to hell!

I actually don't mind colds as much as a sore throat. Sore throats suck because I can't talk and I can't not talk. But the thing I hate the most is vomiting. The whole experience of it is horrible. I can't stand other people doing it either. I lived in a sorority house in college where we had some pretty serious drinkers. Back then it was sorta funny. Now not so much, largely because its usually my kids and I'm the one who now has to clean it up.

Sickness annoys me (mine or anyone elses) but injury I find facinating. I love a good bloody wound. THe might need a tournequette needing stitches kind. I could totally handle stitching someone up. Broken bones can be fun, too. I saw a ski accident once where a bone stuck right out from the skin. Dislocations are creepy. But to see them pop back into the socket is interesting.

So anyway, thats my rant. I'm off to blow my nose and hack up some phlem.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Summer Fun!

So Now thats its mid September, I am nostalgic for July. Sun, fun, swimming, golf, good friends, daylight until 10pm. Ugg. I hate fall. Even the word"fall" sounds tragic. For example, "They fall to the ground after slitting their writs when waking up Monday morning and discovered it was Labor Day." This sentence has tense issues and is struturally incorrect but you get the picture.
Speaking of pictures, I have some.
Kellan digging at the beach.
Dylan and I went to the US Open Tennis in New York. It deserves it own post.
Tanner jumping off the diving board at the Pool.
Me with my Synchronized Swimming girls.
Tanner with Spikes at the Rochester Red Wings Game. Boxes are relly the way to go. Great cheesecake.
Me in a sand trap during the club championship. Dylan is in the left corner as my caddie.
Us losing the club champoinship. I refer you to the previous sand trap.
So that was some of my summer. I miss it already!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

What I did On My Summer Vacation Part One: THE BOOKSIGNING

People came! Isn't that exciting? Even total strangers came up to me and wanted to buy my book.! Family, friends, some creepy guy wth a lazy eye ( a fan perhaps?) and of course my Fly Girls, two of which drove their asses all the way from Syracuse to Rochester for the occasion.
It was fun.

I made sure I dressed so I "matched" my book. It takes place in South Florida, very tropical so I wore a cute little beachy outfit. Also, its about professional tennis so my neices who are tournament tennis players came looking very sporty. As for the sex aspect of my book, I had obscene candies that were a hit. I also signed with a playboy pen.

Here are some pics! Hope you like! And if you haven't already get my book LOVE GAME.