Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Legend of Bue and Jean: Why I Love My BF

I have known my best friend since we were five. Kara and I went all the way through school together. She has been by my side my whole life, was in my wedding, is the God mother to my youngest son. We even lived together for a year. When I write woman characters in converstions with their close friends I always picture the conversation as if I were talking to Kara.
Except I make them coherent.
"Boo and Jean" are the alter ego names we call ourselves when we do something especially notable. For example, when we would play drunk golf or steal flowers for center pieces from other people's gardens, or break into to ex-boyfriend's house to steal beer. (Thank God she talked me out of "borrowing" the boat.) When we were in fifth grade we went to camp together and I made her bring her mini TV so I could watch my shows. It was confiscated. I still don't know if she ever got it back.
The things she does for me!
Jean covered when I would skip school and did my homework for classes I didn't even know I was taking. I accompanied her to her boyfriend's cottage one summer unnannounced and helped her break in when we saw another girl's clothes inside the window. We ended up hosting a party and the other girl was out of luck. The night ended in a epic game of Asshole, which is why we are wearing a lampshade and box in the picture.
We're assholes!
Now that we are grown ups we do grown up things. She is now a highly respected marketing director in Rochester and is sober 90% of the time. She is young, single and ready to mingle. We don't get to hand out much anymore as Assholes because I would feel bad for my kids if I got arrested. But we are still best friends. My husband even refers to her as his "Platonic Wife" and my kids sometimes slip and call her mommy. I love her to death and would not know what i would do without her!
Someone once said that if you can say that you lived your life with one good friend, than you lived a good one. All I know is Kara totally fits the bill. She deserves a book of her own. I would be sure to include the stories about her college boyfriend who named his car "Free Tibet" and how she ran over his lamp post in an effort to make a drunk getaway from his house. I could go on an on. Like I said, I could write a book. The Advetures of Boo and Jean!
We would have to change names to protect the innocent.


Kari Lee Townsend said...

Aw you two remind me so much of my best friend Carolyn. Except we met when I was 16 and have been inseperable since. She even married my brother's best friend John. I talk to her all the time. We live an hour apart, so it's hard to find time since she also has 4 kids. But we always have the phone. And I believe it was Oprah who said that, but maybe she was quoting someone.

So glad to see you back posting. Don't forget to mention the Fly Girl blog. I'm so excited to get going on that one.

JT said...

Hey, look who is blogging again.

Hi Kara!! Hey did you ever tell Kara I used her name in the DEATH book? She's an FBI agent! Go Kara

Great pics.

Lets golf.

Barbie Jo Mahoney said...

You two are sooo stinking cute!! What adventures you've had! Talk about Thelma and Louise.

I was never a "wild child". Guess that's why I am who I am now....

geez, no wonder I'm psychotic....
I'm a closet wild-child.

BF's are great. They're the only ones you can be assholes with who'll still respect you in the morning.

Jean said...


Sarah Grimm said...

I also have a wife! Her parents used to say that to her when I called: 'Your wife's on the phone' Even my husband calls her my wife. We've been together for 23 years. Friends are the best.